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Commercial Litigation Examples

The following provides a sample of the commercial litigation work we have been involved in. Where the matter was not concluded with a public decision, the parties’ names have been removed to ensure confidentiality.

Green & McCahill Holdings Ltd v Evan Christoper Williams & Ors

(Judgment not yet released)

Providing expert evidence in relation to loss arising from alleged misrepresentations made.

Court: Becroft J
Plaintiffs’ Counsel: D J Chisholm, M Morrison
Defendant’s Counsel: B Dickey, K Morrison, K Tubbs
CIV-2020-404-1385, CIV-2020-404-1247

Pyne Holdings Limited & Anor v Australasian Equity Partners (GP) No.1 Limited & Ors

(Judgment not yet released)

Assessment of source of funds and, therefrom, ownership interest in a limited partnership.

Court: Peters J
Plaintiff’s Counsel: M D Arthur, J Marcetic, N Whittle
Defendant’s Counsel: G Blanchard KC, K Stolberger, S Nicholson, Yi Li
CIV 2022-404-0064

Miedema v Petrou

(Judgement not yet released)

Assessment as to the reasonable value of charges rendered by a related entity and assessing the of value of shares held by a minority shareholder in an alleged shareholder oppression claim.

Court: High Court; Anderson J
Plaintiff’s Counsel: A Needham, D Fraundorfer
Defendant’s Counsel: J Land, K Stolberger, S Nicholson
HC CIV-2020-404-1205

Talleys Group Limited v Biomex Trustees Limited & Ors

(Judgement not yet released)

Analysis as to the commerciality of arrangements put in place in relation to a joint venture, loss arising from the structure put in place and the value of the joint venture business.

Court: High Court; Mary Peters J
Plaintiff’s Counsel: R J Hollyman KC, A J Steel, G P Malone
Defendant’s Counsel: Z Kennedy, O Skilton, A Church
HC CIV-2019-404-00773

Banks v Farmer & Ors (2021 – 2023)

Claims for losses arising from insolvent trading – preparation of detailed brief of evidence opining as to solvency of Mako Networks Ltd at various dates and expressing opinion on loss in event that the Mako directors were found to have traded while insolvent, and giving evidence in that matter.

Court: Cooper P, Gilbert and Katz JJ (Court of Appeal), Moore J (High Court)
Appellant’s Counsel: J W A Johnson, W L Porter, G D Simms
First Respondent’s Counsel: R J Hollyman KC, A J Steel, L Green, A Lenard
Second to Fourth Respondent’s Counsel: A J Peat
CoA Auckland CA5311/2021 / CA164/2022
HC CIV-2016-404-000057 (2021)

Geostel Vision Limited v Paul Daynes and the Estate of Gordon Robertson (2018 – 2020)

Assessment of damages resulting from breach of copyright.

Court: Courtney, Ellis and Brewer JJ (Court of Appeal), Hinton J (HC)
Plaintiff’s Counsel: K T Glover and P R Casey, and P G Skelton KC and C D Herbert
Respondent’s Counsel: B P Henry and A R Kenwright
CoA CA254/2018 [2020] NZCA 256 CA261/2018
CIV-2005-419-000809 [2018] NZHC 769

Air NZ v BP, Z Energy & ExxonMobil (2019)

Provision of loss calculations resulting from a rupture of the Whangarei to Auckland fuel pipeline.

Court: Venning J
Plaintiff’s Counsel: N S Gedye KC, J A MacGillivray
Defendant’s Counsel: V L Heine, T Smith, R Goss
HC Auckland CIV-2018-404-000492

Dodson Motorsport Ltd v Logiical Performance Ltd & Ors (2019)

Assessment as to loss arising from copyright infringement.

Court: Edwards J
Plaintiff’s Counsel: C L Elliott KC, B R Webster
Defendant’s Counsel: B P Cain, E Butler
HC Auckland CIV-2017-404-000110

Angus and Erskine-Shaw v ACE Insurance (2014)

Assessment of economic loss arising from declinature of insurance claim following a building being destroyed by fire.

Court: Cooper J
Plaintiffs’ Counsel: KM Quinn and SM Thompson
Defendant’s Counsel: DPH Jones KC and ML Evans
HC Auckland CIV-2011-463-475

BYOF Holdings v Bencho (2014)

Assessment as to the value of a business acquired in reliance of a contact in restraint of trade.

Court: Gilbert J
Plaintiffs’ Counsel: GJ Kohler KC
Defendant’s Counsel: K Quinn and M Tushingham
HC Auckland CIV-2014-404-044

R v Hamilton & Ors (Belgrave Finance) (2014)

Providing evidence on behalf of the Crown in relation to advice provided to Belgrave Finance Ltd and dealings with the company in breach of statement relied on by investors lending funds to the company.

Court: Faire J
Applicant’s Counsel: N R Williams, KC-M Chang and A J H Senior
Respondent’s Counsel: JG Robertson, DG Young and J McNamara
HC Auckland CRI-2013-004-1722

Fisk and Pattison as liquidators of East Quip Limited (In Liquidation) v Galvanising (HB) (2013)

Providing evidence on behalf of the respondent following claims by the liquidators alleging voidable transactions.

Court: Osborne J
Applicant’s Counsel: D Chan
Respondent’s Counsel: RP Harley
HC Auckland CIV-2013-441-000124

Greymouth Holdings v Jet Trustees (2013)

Providing evidence on behalf of the defendant in relation to alleged oppression by the majority shareholders.

Court: Gilbert J
Plaintiff’s counsel: JA Farmer KC
Defendants’ counsel: P Skelton and M Corlett
HC Auckland CIV 2011-404-5309

Howard Trading Auckland v Nissan New Zealand (2012)

Providing evidence on behalf of the defendant responding to losses alleged to have been suffered by the plaintiff (a franchisee).

Plaintiffs’ Counsel: B Gustafson
Defendant’s Counsel: D Hurd
HC Auckland CIV-2009-404-3111

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